Agenda app
09 Jul / 22:30 / Benetke / Street theatre

Circus Theater Show with a duration of 60 minutes. Speachless and with a
high visual impact. With an structure of rutines with music of tradicional
mexican roots but recovered with contemporary styles. The show can be
performed with live music or recorded according to the needings.

The show is made of delicate secuences of acts integrating
acrobacy, clown, contortion, juggling, dance, theater, and music with a
high importance to the participation of the audience. Everything guided
and performed by extravagant characters like: Doña Bella, Don Caramelo,
Llou Pistolas and MexiKen. They all communicate through gestures and
“universal language” Along 60 minutes presenting one by one, their
incredible and irreverent habilities.

The show explores an aesthetic concept that we called “Folk
Chou” due to the mixing of Traditional Styles of Costumes and Customs
of our land’s Folklore, with the experience of Contemporary Circus and
Visual Theater… For this creation we present Costumes, headdresses and
Make ups created as a result of the study of mexican traditional graphics
and the way of the new visual artists represent it. Thats how emerges the
special mix of colors and styles that aims to express that identity of
Integral Folklore between performing virtuoso and our Mexican Cultural
Theatre: Les Cabaret Capricho

Cast: Violeta Castro, César Omar Barrios, Fernando Mánica in Andrés Aguirre

Costumes: Violeta Castro, Alejandro Rincón in MariJo Cázares

Production: CUARTA

Duration: 60 min