Agenda app
06 Jul / 21:00 / COURTYARDS OF MARIBOR / Street theatre

Based on a poem »ATOM AGE« by Matej Bor

Performers: Suzana Grau & Gašper Jarni
Directing: Suzana Grau, Gašper Jarni & Simona Hamer
Video: Irena Kovačević
Editing: Mitja Strajnar
Subtitles: Sven Stralleger

Production: ŠKUC theater

The author's name MATEJ BOR spelled backwards makes ROB JE TAM (Slovene for THE EDGE IS THERE). Walking the edge opens up a visionary view of the travelers search for an existential meaning. He is faced with a world of low self-awareness, weak social relationships, ecological guilt and his own striving to become a com-passionate being.

Two actors. Two levels. Where do they meet and mirror each other? The traveler's path covers 14 stations (the way of the cross) bringing him to the final frontier. Perhaps it is only then that one can awaken another out of ignorance to compassion.
