Agenda app
05 Jul / 18:00 / Adventure Park stage / Theatre


Dim-witted baker, dim-witted cop, Mayor of Dimwit town: Boris Jalovec

Bandit Cefizelj,  Gregor Copatka: Žiga Ažman – Ziggy


Scene design: Bojana Jelenc, Boris Jalovec

Costumes: Bojana Jelenc

Drivers, assistants, scene technicians, technicians: Simon Babič, Aljoša Jalovec

Music effects: Radio Kranj

Cartoons: Jože Trobec, academic painter

The performance lets us see how the Dimwits prove they won the battle with common sense. They prove to be the most entertaining people in the country and in the whole world. The performance is witty and its target audience are children between 5 and 15 years of age. Adults are welcome as well. Let’s all go to the town of Dimwit and laugh at our own mistakes.