Agenda app
28 Jun / 19:30 / Jurček stage / Concert

Goga (acoustix guitar, vocal), Žare (acoustic bass), Aleš (percussion, bangers), Anuša (flute, vocal, percussion)

As reported, the group Zmelkoow received a prestigious European Physicist, Mechanics and Cashiers Association award “The Least Stabile Band on the Northern Hemisphere.” The number of members on the stage during their live performance varies from 3 to 8, back vocalists’ weight varies between 150 and 250 kg and their group’s name changes as frequently as dealers change cars. What is permanent is the quality of their performances. Ha-ha, good one, right? To sum up: this year they decided to perform in hybrid ad slightly mutated version of themselves, called Zmaqustikoow and  Bek tu d ruc. Recommended for Nobel laureates, Dalai Lama, Britney Spears and Ruby Rubacuori, as well as for all, who love worshiping, and last year's Miss Hawaiian Tropic.
