Lent means socialising
Mitja Čander, programme director of the project European Capital of Culture – Maribor 2012: “Lent means socialising, experience and expectation, which has over the years became a tradition and the hallmark of Maribor.”
Mitja Rotovnik, general director of Cankarjev dom in Ljubljana: “Lent is our best summer festival, simply because it connects our culture programme by weaving social relationships among the visitors. It has a great value to the European Capital of Culture.”
Matjaž Kek, manager of the Slovenian national team: “Festival Lent means meeting long-lost friends and realizing nights are too short.”
Mojca Redko, general director of Lutkovno gledališče Maribor: “Festival Lent is a typical urban summer festival which brings the city back to life and makes it an attractive destination for tourists. It is designed to please all generations. Each year, I am eager to see the street theatre programme and I would be disappointed if I were to miss it.”
Maja Keuc, singer: “Festival Lent is excellent and the fact that Maribor has a festival this big makes me proud. I have always wanted to step on the stage by the Drava river and this year my wish will come true.”